My “Studio”
“Down to the Potter’s House Studio” is what I call my pottery space — and my family would probably say that most of this potter’s house is often commandeered for studio space. The pantry became my wheel room, and the family room becomes the glaze room for much of the year (my glazes don’t like the cold).

This is the latest addition to my studio. For years my kiln was in the laundry room. Just try to get 6 people’s laundry “caught up” so you can unplug the dryer to fire the kiln! So finally, we were able to get my new kiln shed/studio… an Amish-built “potting shed” (I think they had plants in mind, not pots), it has LOTS of windows..

I have my wheel in a little corner of our basement (it makes it much easier to throw pots after midnight). This is where I do most of my wet clay work.

When they were little I could see the kids playing in the yard (although truthfully, it feels like my own little world, especially at night). It’s tiny, but it’s wired for my kiln, and has a built-in workbench that holds my work in progress. AND– when it gets a little too warm in the summer time at around 4 in the afternoon when the sun shines in the skylight, I just consider it an extended “candleing” for my greenware before it’s bisqued. 😉